Employers Select Insurance Services Joins OneDigital, a leading insurance, financial services, and HR Consulting firm.

Employers Select Insurance Services Joins OneDigital, a leading insurance, financial services, and HR Consulting firm.


Reference-based Pricing

Health care costs continue to rise, which means employers need to take every opportunity to lower expenses. One strategy is to employ referenced-based pricing (RBP). RBP enables employers to set limits on certain medical services, shifting the cost-analysis burden onto employees. See this attached “Benefits Insights” for the full article. Referenced Based Pricing

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Potential Changes to the ACA and Healthcare Under President-elect Trump

Throughout his presidential campaign, Trump ran on a platform of repealing and replacing the ACA. In addition, since its enactment, Republicans in both the Senate and the House of Representatives have virtually all opposed the ACA, calling for its repeal. According to benefits industry experts, Trump’s nomination of U.S. Representative Tom Price—a retired surgeon, staunch

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